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Spains most romantic city!
Some cities have looks, other cities have personality. The sevillanos &ndash lucky devils &ndash get both, courtesy of their flamboyant, charismatic, everevolving Andalucian metropolis founded, according to myth, 3000 years ago by the Greek god Hercules. Drenched for most of the year in spiritenriching sunlight, this is a city of feelings as much as sights, with different seasons prompting vastly contrasting moods solemn for Semana Santa, flirtatious for the spring fiesta and soporific for the gasping heat of summer. Like all great cities, Seville has historical layers. Roman ruins testify the settlement&rsquos earliest face, memories of the Moorish era flicker like medieval engravings in the Santa Cruz quarter, while the riverside Arenal reeks of lost colonial glory. Yet, one of the most remarkable things about modern Seville is its ability to adapt and etch fresh new brushstrokes onto an ancient canvas.